How to better innovate for Milennials?
A one-day creative seminar combining intervention
an anthropologist, source of inspiration on the subject,
and a creative session around the Creative Problem Solving approach.
A customized device using the anthropologist's presentation as a real creative stimulus
to open up new ideas for the inno pipe .
… 10 innovation tracks really in line with the needs, insights and culture of Milennials, a team inspired by the latest trends on this very specific target!
Soon on the shelves of your supermarket !
Is it still possible to create a new segment in the pasta department?
Rather than working on customer insights, the bias was to revisit the industrial manufacturing of pasta process by making unusual what the R&D team and the factory had been doing for years...
To do this, we went back to basics by observing how artisans create fresh pasta by hand, which allowed us to set up a creative process resulting in a concept.
everything except marketing:
fresh quality pasta in the dry pasta section!
If this had been a marketing claim, it would never have worked… The R&D team succeeded in finding a taste, a texture, a sensation, coming from the fresh dough, inspired by the artisanal process and which is fully present on the plate.
In a blind taste test, several chefs preferred this pasta
to the best fresh pasta of the moment!
The biggest success of the last 10 years in terms of innovation in the pasta segment!