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Training in Customer empathy

and consumer centricity

Place customer empathy at the heart of your collaborative approach to achieve the best with your customers and committed teams.

Next training sessions in remote and/or face-to-face:

Slots in October 2021

What is it ?


An experiential training of 3 half-days in the morning in remote and/or face- to-face to acquire the keys to an empathic posture, to nourish one's sensitive knowledge of consumers in a perspective of innovation, and to intensify the engagement of customers as well as that of the teams.


Hélène Luong and Clotilde Lacambre, members of the ias.agora collective and experts in innovation and qualitative approaches , offer you practical cases to put on your clients' shoes with accuracy and hindsight!


A training program to structure and develop your empathy and your co-creation approaches, springboards towards a productive and exciting consumer centricity. 

The lessons of this training can be implemented face-to-face and remotely.

Why ?

> Prepare and conduct a rich and motivating consumer interaction : finally take an interest in people and no longer in targets!

> Convert empathetic consumer knowledge into innovation drivers: provoke insights, identify inspired creative challenges and integrate consumer feedback accurately.

> Identify the differences and complementarities between direct team interactions

For whom ?

> Managers and teams wo want to place their internal and external customers at the heart of their actions

> Research and CMI departments wishing to promote consumer centricity

through meaningful experiences for teams


> This training does not require any pre-requisites and can be proposed in two versions:

in inter-company session or within your organization (intra-company) on your real cases

(date to be defined according to your availability).

The method

les 5 étapes du Design Thinking

An approach based on :


> The postures and fundamentals of qualitative interview and co-creation

> Techniques from Design Thinking and agile sprints: empathy map, personae, PPCO capitalization matrix, etc.

> And last but not least, a must for innovation initiatives: articulated insight based on fertile tension


Once you have the appropriate method and tools, you will be able to:


> Prepare consumer interactions according to the desired objective: (re)discover their motivations and practices or collect their feedback on a project

> Conduct a consumer interaction with the right posture and the right perspective

> Humanize your targets through lively and inspiring personae

> Capitalize on the comments collected, observations and feelings gathered, to forge convictions and feed action

boucle itérative de la méthode ias.a

The tools

Templates : interview guides, constructor insights ...

Technical sheets : empathy map, personae, PPCO

Tools to improve in action : self-assessment of insights, self-assessment on interviewer posture

Next training courses: slots in October 2021

The training program

> Theoretical approach around the notions of empathy and consumer centricity, and link with innovation and co-creation approaches


> Presentation and appropriation of the main principles of consumer interaction


> Implementation over 4 successive workshops


Workshop “(re)discovering customer motivations and practices”, based on a role play: construct a consumer questioning around a theme; adopt the interviewer's posture; conduct an empathetic interview.
=> Practice and perspective the pitfalls to avoid 


  • “Empathy maps and personae” workshop: appropriate consumer data and co-build an inspiring base as a team (synthetic visualization of target behaviors / breads / gains; major emblematic profiles humanizing targets).
    => Putting into practice and sharing of experience on the deployment of this inspiring base


  • “Insights and creative challenges” workshop: build and write insights with a structuring model allowing to highlight the expectations, dreams, unfulfilled desires of consumers, shoppers, internal customers… On this basis, launch unifying creative challenges.
    => Putting into practice and decoding inspiring examples


  • “Experimentation” workshop: share a project with your clients to collect feedback and co-create with them (prepare the interview, learn to listen in order to understand, open up to criticism, etc.); carry out a collective capitalization phase to enrich your project.
    => Putting into practice and taking a step back on the pitfalls to avoid and the creative reflexes to develop


> Collective reflection on the differences and complementarities between team/consumer interactions and qualitative investigations


> Interactive synthesis of the main lessons during the training

Your team of trainers

Hélène Luong

Helene luong

was trained in creativity by Créa-Université of which she is certified. She has a Master Pro in Semiotics and a Master in Science and Technology. She is a certified Holacracy practitioner.

Passionate about brands, Hélène has been carrying out qualitative studies for more than 25 years and supporting marketing teams in their positioning and communication strategies. Founding member of ias.agora, she also leads the Connect training: customer empathy and consumer centricity.

Clotilde Lacambre

was trained in creativity with Guy Aznar, Stéphane Ely, and

Paris-Descartes University. She has a Master's degree in Consulting and Socio-Economic studies. She is a certified Holacracy coach. She is a founding member of ias.agora, Project Director and associate at elycorp. (consulting in creativity, innovation and brand strategy), which she joined 10 years ago, trainer as part of the Specialization Certificate "Animation of Creativity" delivered by the cnam (National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts), she is also a member of Créafrance (the French Association for the Development of Creativity in France).

Clotilde Lacambre - elycorp.

Practical information

Dates and places

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Next training courses: slots in October 2021

To organize this training in your company in intra-company session, contact us .

Je souhaite en savoir plus sur la formation Innov'Action

Prices & financing

The training includes 12 hours of training spread over 3 half-days in the morning in distance and face-to-face including access to our digital tools.

> €1200 exl. tax including 12h of training (€100/h exl. tax)

Preferential rates for simultaneous individual registrations

to several courses (-15% on the 2nd registration, -25% on the

3rd registration).

All our training sessions can be extended

by individual support according to your needs and subjects.

This training is datadocked and can be supported. Find out more ...

toutes les formations elycorp. sont datadockées
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