400 elycorp. cases
To feed you in your thoughts, to inject new ideas into your approaches, and for the pleasure of sharing, find our decoded customer cases!
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CASE # 2 - Sector of activity:

Customer insight:
"The competition is increasingly fierce in our market ... We want to innovate to renew ourselves and stand out while keeping our DNA of pleasure and health"
set up:
2 days of training/action linking fictitious and real cases around the Creative Problem Solving approach and the Crea.box with a multidisciplinary team integrating marketing , research, studies and industry.
24 concepts developed to reinvent the brand's flagship product
6 idea books to use all the creative material of the workshop!
a sensitive technique:
the imaginary journey
A privileged moment during which a pair projects themselves into moments in the life of consumers, sources of emotions, sensations. The pair describes aloud what they see and feel in front of the other members of the team.
The latter use of
all this material like
stimuli to find ideas responding to the challenge.
“ after the workshop,
the team is still fully mobilized on all the great ideas we generated thanks to your support ”
SE - Marketing Director -

reinvent a flagship without losing its dna